Monday, 1 January 2024

Catholic Reading List 2024

Catholic Reading List 2024

In the past I have started the year with a reading list. I have usually read about two thirds of that list and about that many again that were not on the list. Now I am just going to keep track as I read, a list for Catholic book and a list for Catholic Fiction. The goal is just to read more Catholic Books. The lists will be updated as each book is finished and links added as books are reviewed.

In April of 2023 I wrote a piece called How I Read So Much? Because I get asked the question so often, read the piece linked above if you are looking for some ideas on ways to read more. 

Catholic Non-Fiction

Curse of the Seawolf - Nick Donnelly

It started in 2016 with  A Year Of Reading Intention – Catholic Reading, and then it continued on 2017 with Catholic Reading List 2017

I also have lists for:

On a side note I was asked to come up with a Top 10 Catholic Books List, it was not an easy task. It actually took a couple of weeks for me to narrow down the list. And I will continue to post a Top Ten Fiction and Top Ten Non-Fiction each Quarter. 

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