Friday 26 July 2024

Mentored for Good - Keith Lilek - My Life Changing Lessons from Life Changing Leaders

Mentored for Good: 
My Life Changing Lessons from Life Changing Leaders
Dan Spencer (foreword)
Kenyon Brady (illustrator)
ISBN 9798882893674

Mentored for Good - Keith Lilek - My Life Changing Lessons from Life Changing Leaders

I admit I struggled with this volume at first. Reading the eBook there seemed to be pages and pages about how great a guy Keith was at the beginning of the book. Now it should be noted the format of the book is 8.5 inches square. So maybe it was just 2 or 3 pages in the print edition. I could not find a preview online to check, having checked Amazon, Google Play and even a general search. And when I first say the cover I thought maybe Bruxy Cavey was making a comeback. I also saw Father Dwight Longenecker when looking at the cover. But I was asked by a friend to give it a read and see what I think, a friend who is an author and publisher I trust. After reading the 17 promo’s for the man and the book I almost put it on my ‘did not finish’ pile. That would have been my loss. Once I got going on the actual text I could hardly put the book down.

The description of this volume is:

“Are you happy with who you have become? I am. But I didn't get here by myself. I am the beneficiary of many God-inspired mentors placed throughout my life. Do you remember who lifted you up at various times in your life? Who inspired you to actively change your course? Do you remember what they taught you? I do. I remember. I remember them all.

Mentored for Good is the story of how a willing mentee was shaped and molded by the mentoring he received all throughout his life and how his character was shaped to the benefit of all those he came in contact with. Life's struggles. Life's uncertainties. How can we succeed? How can we be better at anything we want to try? All too often we don't take advantage of those creative people all around us who are willing to share their stories, their actions, and their solutions. It's hard to go through this life alone. But there are many people we come in contact with that can and do inspire us to live more fruitful lives if we are open to it. In Mentored for Good, the author revisits the lessons taught to him in sonnet form that captures the impact each lesson has had on him, his friends and family, and hopefully his readers.”

The chapters and sections in the book are:

What People are Saying About the Author
About the Author

Chapter 1: A Willing Mentee (Be Open-Minded)
     Enlightened Self-Interest
     Mentor Dad
     Confess to a Friend
     I Listen, Yes, I Hear the Call
     My Vow to My Lord and You
     Knock on Wood at Life’s Un-Flammable Tree

Chapter 2: Finding Purpose (First Lessons)
     Living Life’s Priorities
     Baby Jesus, I Believe
     I Am Your Earthly Father
     We Laid Hands on Him Today
     My Lord’s Eyes
     Street-Corner Strays
     You Saved Me With Your Eyes

Chapter 3: Walking It Out (Living Lessons)
     Lileks Are Leaders
     Save Money for Your Children’s Children
     Chastity Ring
     I Life You
     A Dad Makes All the Difference
     Fall on Your Sword
     I Promise
     It’s How You Say It
     It’s Time to Attend

Chapter 4: Living in Joy (Observing Life)
     Finding the Right Wife
     My Puppy Sets Me Free
     Charlie the Calico Cat
     Beard or No Beard?
     More Than You’ll Ever Know
     Virus Cameo

Chapter 5: Reflecting Light (Praising Others)
     Your Grace
     Ellen, Get Right Back Up
     Character Sets the Bar High
     My Son’s Father-in-Law is a Doctor!
     Sullivan’s Bizarre

Epilogue: Coming Full Circle

I highlighted a few passages while reading this book, some of them are:

“Keith’s mentoring philosophy created an environment where all employees would circle up and start every day in prayer, even video conferencing in those who were out of town. Keith claimed that any business run by him was doomed to fail, so he invoked Christ into his daily work life to garner success.”

“I crossed paths with many mentors, friends, and influencers of all types as I grew up. I was a sponge throughout my life. I learned that there is really no separation between your home and work life. They are a continuation of the same behaviors.”

“Do you have fond memories of your father? How does his mentoring style compare to yours? And how does his legacy live on in your next generation?”

“O my God, I am sorry for my sins because I have offended you. I know I should love you above all things. Help me to do penance, to do better, and to avoid anything that might lead me to sin. Amen.”

“Getting married completed me, and I knew it. She helped me make decisions and was much more intuitive than I could ever be. She was wiser, more caring, more loving. I knew she was the one when I made the decision to marry her. It took me years to realize it but when I did, I couldn’t wait!”

Street-Corner Strays 

Picking up the strays in life 
applies to more than dogs; 
It’s for anyone who needs your help, 
you’re called to be the light within the fog. 

It’s Jesus saying, “Do you see me? 
This is my loving test. 
When you look at them, you’ll see me, 
and know that they are blessed.” 

At one time or another, I needed a lift, 
and you were there to raise me up.”
“Was it because you knew me well 
that you freely lent your cup? 

If you don’t know them, I understand; 
you may not wish to give. 
Try this trick: find out their name,
for it will help them learn to live. 

Jesus asks us to plant the seeds, 
then he’ll help them with their growth. 
The strays in life can be anyone; 
it could be you, or me, or both. 

So, see the face of Jesus 
in the strays you come to know. 
You’ll be better off for helping them; 
you’ll be their Holy Joe!”

“One of my other mentors stood up and told all of us not to forget that as fathers, we are called to support our families, and that alone comes with its challenges. But he pointed out that we need to be there for one another because it is in that support that we save ourselves from failure.”

“It’s difficult to navigate life on our own. Make the effort to put good people in your path to help you along your way. Then do the same for others. Pay it forward. A reminder like a nice handwritten note goes a long way in this “electronic” world of ours.”

I hope those few samples and that one sonnet give you a feel for this volume. 

This wisdom in this volume feels like it could be a book by John Maxwell, Matthew Kelly, or Patrick Lencioni, but with a few sonnets to convey the message or highlight it in a different way it feels a little more like Dan Millman or Robin Sharma. And all of that is to say it is wisdom earned by experience and wisdom shared with the best of the other at heart. And for a book about being a mentee or mentor that is the highest praise I can give it.

The book has the wisdom and information of a business leaderships volume or a Christian spiritual development book, but packaged as a coffee table book. The large square size is not one I would have picked up as a physical book. And the eBook keeps the same square cover. There is a lot of great material in this book. And it is one you could easily return to again and again, either reading it from cover to cover or skipping around as the needs may. 

The sonnets are a different way to communicate a message, and because of the format they stick with you more and hit a little different. I really enjoyed this book and would be interested in giving some of his other works a try, especially the announced Mentored by Prayer! My only recommendation would be to skip the accolades until after you have read the book.

An intriguing way to convey such an important message. I remember in campus ministry about 20 years ago there was a recall emphasis on the fact that men need a Paul, a Timothy, and a Barnabas in their lives. In this volume Keith shows examples where he has been all three, in his own growth and in helping develop others. Keith is pretty open and transparent about some of his failures and his opportunities for growth and that vulnerability adds a lot of strength and power to the message shared. 

For anyone who leads others, or who is being led, at home, at work, in the community or church this volume offers some great lessons. It is a book almost any ready would benefit from. I can easily recommend it.

Note: This book is part of a series of reviews: 2024 Catholic Reading Plan

Books by Keith Lilek:
The Sonnets of Laina's Life
Champion Mentors
My Grieving Hand
Getting Back to God
Mentored by Prayer

Thursday 25 July 2024

Faker - Gordon Korman

Gordon Korman
ISBN 9781338826753
eISBN 9781338826760

Faker - Gordon Korman

This is the latest release from the pen of Gordon Korman. It was published in June of 2025 and is the 104th book published by Korman. My introduction to Korman’s works was the 39 Clues back in 2009. Since then I have read 44 of his books. Hardly a drop in the buck, but with each one I read I am entertained and often challenged. My son often reads these books to me or with me. 

A description of this volume states:

“The story of a family of liars... and the son who wants to break the family tradition.

Trey knows the routine. His dad gets him into a school full of kids with rich parents. Trey makes friends, and his dad makes connections. Soon, there's the con, where Trey's dad suckers the other parents into investing in one of his schemes. Once the money's in the bank, Trey, his sister, and their dad are on the run... until they set up somewhere else and start again.

Trey believes his father when he says no one's getting hurt. After all, these parents have money to spare.

But Trey's starting to get tired of running ... and lying... and never having a friend for longer than a few months. But how do you get your family to stop lying when your lives depend on it?”

This story is as humorous as many of Korman’s other works, but it also has a very serious side. Trey wants to get out of the family business. He wants to live a normal life. He is tired of lying and cheating, and he has come to realize that they do not just always target people who can afford it. He wants real friends and most of all he wants stability. These wants and realizations appear to have been brewing for a while, but between an ethics module at school, a cute girl and a close friend the heat is turn up for him to do something about it. 

There is a lot of action in this story, from a scam about a show dog, to a new electric car that gets twice the mileage of a Tesla. But there is also a group of kids trying to reclaim a park and wild life area in town. And a younger sister that needs protecting and maybe most especially from herself.

This is another great School Story from one of the greatest masters in the genre. It is a story about family, friends, and finding your place in the world. And in this case it means Trey must learn to be true to himself even if it means standing up against family and how he has been raised his whole life! 

It is another excellent offering from Korman’s pen. I just wish Scholastic would release eBooks of these older titles by Korman. A great read I can easily recommend. 

Books by Gordon Korman:
MacDonald Hall Series:
The Wizzle War (1982)
         (formerly The War With Mr. Wizzle)
The Zucchini Warriors (1988)
Light’s Camera, Disaster (1991)
          (aka Macdonald Hall Goes Hollywood)
The Jokes on Us (1995)
          (formerly Something Fishy at Macdonald Hall)

Bugs Potter Series:

Jeremy Bloom Series:
The D−Poems of Jeremy Bloom (1992)
The Last-Place Sports Poems of Jeremy Bloom (1996)

Monday Night Football Series:
The Quarterback Exchange (1997)
Running Back Conversion (1997)
Super Bowl Switch (1997)
Heavy Artillery (1997)
Ultimate Scoring Machine (1998)
NFL Rules! Bloopers, Pranks, Upsets, and Touchdowns (1998)

Masterminds Series:
Masterminds (2015)

Slapshots Series:
The Stars From Mars (1999)
All-Mars All-Stars/The Dream Team (1999)
The Face-off Phony (2000)
Cup Crazy (2000)
Ouch I got slapped (2023)
4-in-1 Slapshots: The Complete Collection (2008)

Nose Pickers Series:
Nose Pickers from Outer Space! (1999)
Planet of the Nose Pickers (2000)
Your Mummy Is a Nose Picker (2000)
Invasion of the Nose Pickers (2001)
4-in-1 The Ultimate Nose-Picker Collection (2006)

Island Series:
Shipwreck (2001)
Survival (2001)
Escape (2001)
3-in-1 Island Trilogy Collection (2006)

Son of the Mob 2: Hollywood Hustle (2004)

Everest Series:
The Contest (2002)
The Climb (2002)
The Summit (2002)
Everest Trilogy Box Set (2002)

Dive Series:
The Discovery (2003)
The Deep (2003)
The Danger (2003)

On the Run Series:
Now You See Them, Now You Don't (2005)
The Stowaway Solution (2005)
Public Enemies (2005)
Hunting the Hunter (2006)

Kidnapped Series:
The Search (2006)
The Rescue (2006)

Swindle Series:
Swindle (2008)
Zoobreak (2009)
Framed (2010)
Showoff (2012)
Hideout (2013)
Jackpot (2014)
Unleashed (2015)
Jingle (2016)

Titanic Series:
Unsinkable (2011)
Collision Course (2011)
S.O.S (2011)

The 39 Clues Series:
Vespers Rising (2011)
The Medusa Plot (2011)
Flashpoint (2014)

Hypnotists Series:
The Hypnotists (2013)
Memory Maze (2014)
The Dragonfly Effect (2015)

Ungifted Series:
Ungifted (2012)
Supergifted (2018)

Slacker Series:
Slacker (2016)
Level 13 (2019)

Non Series Books:
Losing Joe's Place (1990)
The Twinkie Squad (1992)
The Toilet Paper Tigers (1993)
Why Did the Underwear Cross the Road (1994)
The Chicken Doesn't Skate (1996)
No More Dead Dogs (2000)
Maxx Comedy: The Funniest Kid in America (2003)
Jake, Reinvented (2003)
Born To Rock (2006)
Schooled (2007)
Pop (2009)
Restart (2017)
Notorious (2019)
War Stories (2020)
Game On (contains The Chicken Doesn’t Skate and The Toilet Paper Tigers (2021)
Unplugged (2021)
Linked (2021)
The Fort (2022)

Some Gordon Korman Books

Wednesday 24 July 2024

Ceres 2525 - Micheal Lee Nelson

Ceres 2525
Gravity Well Press
ISBN 9780996563000

Ceres 2525 - Micheal Lee Nelson

This story took me back 40 years to when I was first learning to overcome my dyslexia and fell in love with Science Fiction. It reminds me a lot of the Bio of a Space Tyrant by Piers Anthony, The Stainless Steel Rat Series by Harry Harrison, or the later Phule’s Company book by Robert Asprin. That is to say reading it was both fun and entertaining. It was a great read and to be honest one that left me wanting more. As a debut novel it is impressive, and a solid 4/5 stars. 

The description of the book states:

“Desperation is the father of invention. In CERES 2525 you fly along on the Sci-fi Action Adventures of Ceres Tauri, 25, superstar of the zero-gravity league. He desperately searches for his mother, long held captive among the Galactic's 500 colony worlds. When he too is kidnapped by the pirate fleet, forced to duel to the death to save a slave with powerful secret abilities, he determines to fight his way to the top of the pirate ranks. Can Ceres justify this within his objective moral code? Will his faith, his soul, survive?”

An earlier description of the book says:

“In CERES 2525 you fly along on the Sci-fi Action Adventures of Ceres Tauri, 25, playboy superstar of the zero-gravity league. He desperately searches for his parents, long held captive among the Galactic's 500 worlds.

When he too is kidnapped by a pirate fleet, forced to duel to the death to save a slave with powerful secret abilities, he determines to fight his way to the top of the pirate ranks.

Will Ceres have to kill his own father to rescue his mother? Who will save his soul, from himself?”

About the author we are informed:

“Lee Nelson resides near Baton Rouge, Louisiana near his son. He enjoy's the single life, Jeep Life, Cajun Cuisine, cooking, eating, and writing military scifi like it's the end of the world.

A contrarian to the mass Scifi Action & Adventure market, Lee is writing to infuse the galaxy-wide setting of his Ceres novels with a hopeful, positive, and spiritually rich flavor of life.”

The story is written in a classic science fiction style and could be the beginning of an epic space opera. The plot is expansive, the characters larger than life. And the action stop and go right from the beginning. This was a great summer read. 

The questions outlined in the description of the book are only partially answered in this volume. But Ceres and Serenity are characters we find ourselves rooting for both in their quest for freedom but also in battling the Space Pirates that have put them in this position. The narrative is written in a visually stunning way. The reader will feel themselves a part of the fights, battles and other moments through the book. The Void Viking draw from a few mythologies and have unique structure of leadership. And much like the Riddick series you keep what you kill or defeat. And Ceres is not willing to play games he is here with his own mission and becomes a huge disruptor right from the start. 

Can Ceres outwit out think and out plan his father, at his own games. Or will he become fodder in his father’s quest for conquest? This is a fun story, great for fans of classic science fiction or space opera. I can easily recommend this book.

Note: This book is part of a series of reviews: 2024 Catholic Reading Plan

Ceres 2525 - Micheal Lee Nelson

Ceres 2525 - Micheal Lee Nelson (Original cover)

Tuesday 23 July 2024

Why Does Mary Wear Blue - Pierpaolo, Ettore and Mattia Finaldi - CTS Children’s Books

Why Does Mary Wear Blue
Pierpaolo Finaldi
Ettore & Mattia Finaldi (Illustrations)
ISBN 9781860826948
ISBN 1860826946
CTS Booklet CH30

Why Does Mary Wear Blue - Pierpaolo, Ettore and Mattia Finaldi - CTS Children’s Books

As of the reading of this book over the last few years I have read over 396 volumes from the Catholic Truth Society. This is one of only a few books in the CTS Children's Books I have read, but I will be tracking down more.

The description of this book is:
“Why does Mary wear Blue?
And other Questions

Real questions about Our Lady, asked by school children are answered in a simple language infused with Catholic wisdom and tradition. Illustrated throughout with classic art, photographs and Children’s own pictures."

We are informed that the illustrations are by Ettore & Mattia Finaldi and the children of Year 5, Holy Cross School, Catford. And they make this a magnificent little volume.

The sections in this book are:

'Mother of Jesus and Our Mother' 
Who were Mary's parents? 
Why was Mary chosen to be the Mother of God? 
Did Mary have any other children?
Why has Mary appeared to people like St Bernadette and the
three children in Fatima?
Why is Mary called the Immaculate Conception? 
Why do we pray to Mary? 
Why do we say so many Hail Marys in the Rosary? 
Why does Mary wear blue? 
Why is Mary sometimes shown standing on a serpent? 
How did Mary die?

Each question and answer spans a two page spread. Each also contains a photo or replication of famous artwork as well as an illustration from a child. At the bottom of the second page is a question to see if the child or children the book was being read to are paying attention. 

This is a wonderful little picture book. My children are well past the age of picture books but I have loved this and the other CTS Children’s Books I have picked up we donate to their school library. My youngest finished grade 8 (or year 9) this spring but I will continue to pick up CTS Children’s books to give them to the school library. The librarian and teachers have loved them. 

A sample section from this volume:

“Why was Mary chosen to be the Mother of God?

E very one of us has been chosen by God to do some special job that only we can do. We are free to say yes or to say no to his plan and do only what we want. It is a mystery why God chooses us, but he always has a plan to help us and the people around us to get to heaven.

In Mary's case God had been planning to save all of mankind from the beginning of time. She had been prepared from before her birth for the great task that God would ask her to do. God wanted to show how much he loved the human beings he had created by becoming one of them. He wanted his son to be born from a woman just like every other child.

When the Archangel Gabriel asked Mary if she wanted to to be the mother of the son of God she was full of fear but trusted God and said yes. Her 'yes' was what made Mary worthy to be the Mother of God!

‘Why was Mary chosen to be the mother of God?’”

We enjoyed this much we donated the copy we tracked down to the School Library, the primary school our children have attended has a resource section for the teachers and we thought this would be a wonderful addition. I hope the sample station give you a feel for this volume. This is another excellent resource from the Catholic Truth Society. I am very thankful I picked it. A great resource I can easily recommend for church, home, or school library. I am looking forward to reading other CTS Children’s Books and books by Pierpaolo Finaldi.

Why Does Mary Wear Blue - Pierpaolo, Ettore and Mattia Finaldi - CTS Children’s Books Sample 1

Why Does Mary Wear Blue - Pierpaolo, Ettore and Mattia Finaldi - CTS Children’s Books Sample 2

Note: This book is part of a series of reviews: 2024 Catholic Reading Plan! For other reviews of books from the Catholic Truth Society click here.

For reviews of other books in the CTS Children's Books series click here.

Book by Pierpaolo Finaldi:
My Simple Prayer Book
My Simple Mass Book
Why Does the Pope Wear White?

Books In Polish:
Moja Mala Ksiazeczka do Nabozenstwa
Mój Mały Modlitewnik

Monday 22 July 2024

Praying the Rosary with Icons - Sr Marie-Paul Farran - CTS Prayers and Devotions

Praying the Rosary with Icons
Sr Marie-Paul Farran
Simone Finaldi (Translator)
ISBN 9781860826863
ISBN 1860826865
CTS Booklet D732

Praying the Rosary with Icons - Sr Marie-Paul Farran - CTS Prayers and Devotions

I have read over 80 books and booklets that are part of the CTS Prayers & Devotions Series. Some of the earlier ones are just mark CTS Devotions, but more recent ones have both Prayers and Devotions listed as the series name. This series has spanned decades. It has had books come in and out of print. This volume was published in the 2010, translated from the original Italian by Simone Finaldi. All of the icons in the volume are from Sr Marie-Paul Farran. 

The description of this volume is:

“Pray the Rosary with beautiful icons and scripture passages.

In this beautifully illustrated, full-colour booklet Sr Marie Paul Farran's beautiful icons, tell the story of the mysteries of the Rosary and help to deepen our reflection, allowing us to delve into the pages of the gospels to search for hidden treasures. If we look closely and at attentively at the icons, they can become a meeting point between us and God, a place of supplication, healing and of love.”

About the artist and author we are informed:

“Sr Marie-Paul Farran belongs to the Order of the Benedictines of Our Lady of Calvary, and works from her convent in Jerusalem near the Mount of Olives. She has been writing icons since 1982. Her icon of the Holy Family is known throughout the world.””

The chapters and sections in this volume are:

(Monday and Saturday)
     The Annunciation 
     The Visitation 
     The Birth of Jesus 
     The Presentation in the Temple 
     Finding Jesus in the Temple 

     The Baptism of Jesus 
     The Wedding at Cana 
     Procla iming the Kingdom of God 
     The Transfiguration 
     Instituting the Eucharist 

(Tuesday and Friday}
     The Agony in the Garden
     The Crowning with Thorns
     The Crucifixion
     The Death of Jesus
     The Burial

(Wednesday and Friday}
     The Resurrection
     The Ascension
     The Assumption of Mary
     Mary, Queen and Mother

Hail Holy Queen
Litany of Loreto

     Holy Mother of the Redeemer
     Under your protection
     Act of Dedication to Mary

Concluding reflection

In the introduction we are informed:

“The Word and the Icon. These are the two paths along which we will contemplate the mysteries of the Rosary.

The Word, the first cause, is the 'Word made flesh' in Jesus of Nazareth. This word is written on every page of the life of the Blessed Virgin Mary. These twenty reflections, taken from the four gospels, will illuminate our journey. We will reflect
on the most significant episodes of Jesus' life, - the joyous, luminous, sorrowful and glorious episodes. Our journey will culminate in the mystery of his passion, death , and resurrection, and in the Holy Spirit poured out on every believer. We need to listen to the Word in order to accept and understand it.

The icon is a pre-eminent means of contemplation; it is a word written using an alphabet of colours; it is a spring that rises from a long tradition binding east and west together.”

A sample mystery is:

III The Crucifixion

When they had finished making fun of him, they led him away to crucify him. On their way out, they came across a man from Cyrene, Simon by name, and enlisted him to carry his cross. When they had reached a place called Golgotha, that is, the place of the skull, they gave him wine to drink mixed with gall, which he tasted but refused to drink. When they had finished crucifying him they shared out his clothing by casting lots, and then sat down and stayed there keeping guard over him. Above his head was placed the charge against him; it read: 'This is
Jesus, the King of the Jews'.

At the same time two robbers were crucified with him, one on the right and one on the left.
(cf Mt 27:31-38)

Our Father, 10 Hail Marys, Glory Be

Lord Jesus, you carried our sins onto the cross, you are the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. Give me the grace to hand my sins over to you and to unite my crosses, both large and small, 'good' and 'bad', with yours.”

Over the years I have read many books about the Rosary or books on Marian prayers. I have also read about icons and have started collection replica icons a few years ago. This was an excellent little volume. I prayed my way through it twice and know it is one I will return to again. 

I only have 2 wishes regarding this book, I would love to see the CTS release an updated edition and have it available as an eBook. I would also like to see the opening and closing prayers of the rosary included, because we jump from the introduction right to the first mystery.

This booklet is an excellent read. It was wonderful to pray the 20 mysteries with these icons. It is another great read from the CTS.

Praying the Rosary with Icons - Sr Marie-Paul Farran - CTS Prayers and Devotions Sample Mystery 1

Praying the Rosary with Icons - Sr Marie-Paul Farran - CTS Prayers and Devotions Sample Mystery 2

Note: This book is part of a series of reviews: 2024 Catholic Reading Plan! For other reviews of books from the Catholic Truth Society click here.

For reviews of other books in the CTS Prayers & Devotions series click here.
For reviews of other volumes about the Rosary click here.

Saturday 20 July 2024

Prayer of the Day Fatima Prayers

Prayer of the Day Fatima Prayers

My God, I believe, I adore, I hope and I love Thee! I ask pardon for those who do not believe, do not adore, do not hope and do not love Thee.

Most Holy Trinity – Father, Son and Holy Spirit - I adore Thee profoundly. I offer Thee the most precious Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ, present in all the tabernacles of the world, in reparation for the outrages, sacrileges, and indifferences whereby He is offended. And through the infinite merits of His Most Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I beg of Thee the conversion of poor sinners.

Oh my Jesus, I offer this for love of Thee, for the conversion of sinners, and in reparation for the sins committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

Oh My Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of Hell, lead all souls to Heaven, especially those who have most need of Thy mercy.

I have tried to pray these prayers every day since I encountered them in a book many years ago. I believe I started praying them after reading in 2017:

Saints Jacinta and Francisco Marto: 
Shepherds of Fatima

Encounter the Saints Series
Anne Eileen Heffernan
Patricia Edward Jablonski
Mari Goering (Illustrator)
Pauline Books and Media

Saints Jacinta and Francisco Marto: Shepherds of Fatima - Anne Eileen Heffernan and Patricia Edward Jablonski - Encounter the Saints

Books and articles about Fatima:

Friday 19 July 2024

How to spread the Gospel Advice and encouragement from Pope Benedict XVI - Fr Donncha Ă“ hAodha

How to spread the Gospel: 
Advice and encouragement from Pope Benedict XVI
Fr Donncha Ă“ hAodha
ISBN 9781860827518
ISBN 1860827519
CTS Booklet Do 847

How to spread the Gospel Advice and encouragement from Pope Benedict XVI - Fr Donncha Ă“ hAodha

Over the last few years, I have read a number of books by and about Pope Benedict XVI. Of the popes in my lifetime, I find his writings of immense spiritual benefit. I would state that I underappreciated him until his resignation. And since then, I have read much. And with each piece I read I appreciate his wisdom, faith, and stand against modernism. This work is different in that it was compiled by Father Donncha Ă“ hAodha taken from homilies, Angelus reflections, Audiences, Regina Caeli, between 2008 and 2010. This is an excellent read. 

The descriptions of the book is:

“We are all called to spread our faith. In this virtual dialogue, an imaginary Catholic considers the challenges raised by evangelisation. The questions that he asks raise issues we might all encounter whilst trying to spread the Gospel successfully. The responses offered are taken from different instances of the preaching of Pope Benedict. This teaching is joyful and filled with hope, and makes evangelisation a service rather than a hardship, affirming everyone in their mission to be a fruitful apostle.”

About the editor we are informed:

“Fr Donncha Ă“ hAodha is a priest of the Opus Dei Prelature working in Dublin. Currently he works as a chaplain to a boys’ secondary school and also to a youth centre run by Opus Dei.”

The chapters in this edition are:

A virtual dialogue
Why should I evangelize?
Who is called to evangelize?
What is the message I should be spreading?
How should a Christian spread the Gospel?
Where should I try to spread the Gospel?

This is a wonderfully crafted volume. It has the goal of presenting a dialogue and it does just that. While reading it; it felt like sitting in on a conversation or overhearing a conversation in a coffees shop or pub. It was so hard to put down. I read it in 2 sittings on a single day, and I know I will return to it and read it again. It is easy to digest and packed full of great information. 

When I was in university, I was involved with Campus Crusade for Christ, there was a series of booklets by the founder Bill Bright, called Transferable Concepts, and by reading them many times you could almost memorize them and the message so that you could share it. This volume reminds me a lot of those books. In fact one of those books by Bill Bright was called How To Give Your Faith Away. I could easily see rereading this every month for a year. 

I have a number of volumes form the CTS by Pope Benedict XVI I am trying to track down that are proving most elusive. The CTS had a wide range of booklets based on his sermons, audiences, and papal visits. I have been working on tracking them down, and some are very hard to find at a reasonable price or at all. I was glad to track this one down, for it was an excellent read. 

If you can lay your hands on it, it is well worth a read.  

Note: This book is part of a series of reviews: 2024 Catholic Reading Plan! For other reviews of books from the Catholic Truth Society click here.

Books by Benedict XVI: