Saturday, 25 January 2025

Prayer of the Day Our Lady of Akita Prayer

Our Lady of Akita Prayer
Prayer of the Day

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, 
truly present in the Holy Eucharist, 
I consecrate my body and soul 
to be entirely one with Your Heart, 
being sacrificed at every instant 
on all the altars of the world 
and giving praise to the Father, 
pleading for the coming of His Kingdom. 
Please receive this humble offering of myself. 
Use me as You will for the glory of the Father 
and the salvation of souls. 
Most Holy Mother of God, 
never let me be separated 
from Your Divine Son. 
Please defend and protect me 
as Your special child. 

Prayer of the Day Our Lady of Akita Prayer

This prayer is from a prayer card from Portraits of Saints, I bought a few lots of seconds and this was one of them. I have an every growing selection of prayer cards from various sources, I keep a stack in a stand on my desk and rotate through them. Sometimes one really catches my attention and I add that prayer to my daily prayers.
Portrait of Saints Prayer Cards 1

Portrait of Saints Prayer Cards Marian

Friday, 24 January 2025

Columbo The Helter Skelter Murders - William Harrington - TOR Columbo Series Book 2

Columbo The Helter Skelter Murders
TOR Columbo Series Book 2
ISBN 9780812530261
ISBN  9780312855376

Columbo The Helter Skelter Murders - William Harrington - TOR Columbo Series Book 2

Over many months, nearly a year to be more accurate, Last year I watched the complete run of Columbo, while researching an article I wrote as an overview on the series I discovered this novel and the other 6 in the series. I also found about casebooks, and even a cookbook. I thought I would try tracking down these books and give them a try. They do not disappoint. It was almost like watching an episode, his mannerisms, his process, and even his favourite foods. This was the second of 6 I have read in the series. I cannot see any fan of the series not enjoying this book, and if the other 5 in the series are a good I am in for some great reads!

The description of this book states:

“The wife of a wealthy Los Angeles businessman is found murdered in her bed with her lover, with the words Helter Skelter painted in blood on the walls. Columbo, America's favorite TV detective, must ask himself whether the horror of the Manson himself is ordering a fresh new round of atrocities from his San Quentin prison cell?

To solve this case Columbo will have to face evil incarnate: the madman known simply as "Charlie."”

Another description is:

“When the wife of a wealthy Los Angeles department store owner and her lover are found murdered in bed, with the words Helter Skelter painted in blood on the walls, Columbo wonders if one of history's most infamous killers--Charles Manson--is ordering a new round of atrocities from his San Quentin prison cell.”

This story starts in an interesting way. In the typical Columbo manner we soon witness the murder and know who the perpetrators are and how they did it. From the beginning there is some obvious suspects, but Columbo knows that the easiest answer is not always the right answer. For example:

““In other words, it’s not as simple as it seems?”

“In my line of work,” said Columbo, “you’ve got to be careful about the easy and simple answers. Not many things are easy and simple. On the other hand, it’s foolish to overcomplicate. Y’ know? Sometimes the simple and obvious is the answer.”

Benjamin Willsberger smiled, whether knowingly or condescendingly, or both, would have been difficult to tell. “I said I wanted to talk to you. You said you wanted to talk to me. Suppose you tell me first what you wanted to ask me,” he said.”

Columbo also later states:

““I just wanted to show you what I mean when I say the case is not as simple as it looks,” said Columbo. “Believe me, sir, I lay awake nights, running the facts around in my head, trying to make sense of them.””

Watching Columbo pull all the threads and eliminate some suspects, raise more and more concerns about others, and finding other connections was just as fascinating as watching the show. The tie in to Charles Manson and Charles Girls was an intriguing use in the story. Also the look into those who knew Manson but were not part of the crew that night, mention of those who have drifted away, hangers on, late comers, and the die hards still devoted to Manson was fascinating. 

While researching for the review of the first volume in this series I discovered that there were also 6 Columbo novels in the 1970; 2 new stores and 4 novelizations of episodes and also a collection called The Columbo Collection of 12 stories by William Link. These 6 novels came out overlapping with the 6 of the last 8 episodes of the TV Movie Special Era. And if this one had been filmed I believe it would have been a very popular episode. 

A great read for fans of the series or Charles Manson buff’s and for those who just like a good mystery. I can easily recommend this book and series. 

Books about Peter Falk or Columbo:
Columbo Phile - A Casebook - Mark Dawidziak
Cooking With Columbo Suppers With The Shambling Sleuth - Jenny Hammerton
Just One More Thing - Peter Falk
Shooting Columbo - David Koenig
The Columbo Companion, 1968-78: Investigating Every Detail of All 45 'Classic Era' Columbo Adventures - The Columbophile

Related Posts:

Columbo Books:
A Christmas Killing - Alfred Lawrence
The Dean's Death - Alfred Lawrence
Any Old Port in a Storm - Henry Clements
By Dawn's Early Light - Henry Clements
Murder by the Book - Lee Hays
A Deadly State of Mind Book - Lee Hays
The Columbo Collection – William Link

Columbo Novels by William Harrington:
Grassy Knoll (1993)
The Hoffa Connection (1995)
The Game Show Killer (1996)
The Glitter Murders (1997)
The Hover Files (1998)

Other Books by William Harrington:
Which the Justice, Which the Thief (1963)
The Power (1964)
     aka The Gospel of Death
Yoshar the Soldier (1966)
     aka One Over One
The Search for Elisabeth Brandt (1968)
Trial (1970)
The Jupiter Crisis (1971)
Mister Target (1974)
Scorpio 5 (1975)
Partners (1980)
The English Lady (1982)
Skin Deep (1983)
The Cromwell File (1986)
Oberst (1987)
For the Defense (1988)
Virus (1990)
Endgame in Berlin (1991)
Town on Trial (1994)
Murder at the President's Door (2001)
     with Elliott Roosevelt published posthumously. 

Columbo The Grassy Knoll - William Harrington - TOR Columbo Series Book 1

Columbo The Helter Skelter Murders - William Harrington - TOR Columbo Series Book 2

Columbo The Hoffa Connection - William Harrington - TOR Columbo Series Book 3

Columbo The Game Show Killer - William Harrington - TOR Columbo Series Book 4

Columbo The Glitter Murders - William Harrington - TOR Columbo Series Book 5

Columbo The Hover Files - William Harrington - TOR Columbo Series Book 6

Thursday, 23 January 2025

The Twinkie Squad - Gordon Korman

The Twinkie Squad
Gordon Korman
ISBN 9780590452502
ISBN 9780590452496

The Twinkie Squad - Gordon Korman

I am now over half way through the masterful pen of Gordon Korman. As of the writing of this review he has 104 books in print and 2 more announced for this year (2025). My son who is 16 still loves his books, my daughter in 13 picks and chooses, but I am trying to work my way through his complete catalogue, in my 50’s. I am just about completed the stand-alones and just have to finish his series. A few of which have been out of print for a while.  

Most of the titles by Korman I have read, I read over the last 7 year. I had read a few back in 2009 when the 39 Clues first came out. I do not recall reading any when I was young, but with my dual form of dyslexia I did not read many Children’s or Middle Grade books. It was only later I learned to really read. In many ways this volume really hit home for me. 

My son and I started reading Gordon Korman books together six years ago, when he was given one as an end of year gift by his teacher. She gave the whole class the same Scholastic edition and wrote a note to each student in their copy of the book.

When reading Korman books; some he reads to me, some we use adaptive technology and listen to in the car, and some I just read on my own. This one I read on my own when off work for holidays.

The description of this book states:

“Douglas Fairchild, a sixth-grade writer and dreamer thrown out of every school he has ever been to, transforms a group of excluded misfits into the hottest clique in school. Reprint. SLJ. VY.”

The description of the audio book states:

“Once again Douglas Fairchild is starting a new school in Washington, D.C. The teachers in the private schools he has attended didn’t understand him - maybe because he is from Pefkakia. Now he will make a fresh start in sixth grade at Thaddeus G. Little, a public middle school. After telling the bus driver how to drive and refusing to do his homework, Doug finds himself in the worst possible situation. He must join the after hours discussion group for misfits, better known as the Twinkie Squad. Everyone has always made fun of the Twinkies, but Doug is about to change all that.”

I have a dual form of dyslexia. I failed grade 1, was tested and they did not find anything. I was really struggling in grade 2 and my teacher pushed for me to be tested again, and they found the dyslexia. I did testing ever few years for the next 2 decades to keep up special needs status through public school, high school, and even my time at both Queen’s University and the University of Waterloo. At the end of grade school I was told I would never graduate secondary school, I graduated and had all my credits early. I did even better in university especially my second time. So what the Twinkies went through I can relate to. I went from being the youngest kid my first time in grade 1 to the oldest and biggest in the class. I had to leave class for special ed. It was not after school like in this volume. Now because I played sports like Commando, so I did not experience the bullying portrayed in the book. But lots of kids did and I saw and to be honest occasionally did it. I really wish I had been able to read when I was in grade school because books like this really help us see others in a different light. 

According to Goodreads there are 8 editions of this book, as of the writing of this review. The original publisher was Scholastic, in 1984 (when I was 14) and the most recent was in 1995 with an audiobook edition in 2011. To date there has not been an eBook edition of this story.

This was one of those Korman stories that has some great laughs. But also a deep insight into human nature. It delves into the cliques at school, and the interactions across the social strata. In many ways it reminds me of Arthur Slade’s Tribes, someone looking at the world differently. In this case Douglas is hanging onto something that makes him different because he has a lot to stack up against. His friendship with Commando is fascinating and fun to watch develop. And The way he pulls the Twinkies out of their shells and forms them into a team is awesome to read as it transpires over the course of the book.  

I could so easily relate too much in this volume. This was another fantastic and fun story and one that I easily recommend. It is another great Middle Grade read from Korman! I absolutely loved it.

Books by Gordon Korman:
MacDonald Hall Series:
         (formerly The War With Mr. Wizzle)
The Zucchini Warriors (1988)
Light’s Camera, Disaster (1991)
          (aka Macdonald Hall Goes Hollywood)
The Jokes on Us (1995)
          (formerly Something Fishy at Macdonald Hall)

Bugs Potter Series:

Jeremy Bloom Series:
The D−Poems of Jeremy Bloom (1992)
The Last-Place Sports Poems of Jeremy Bloom (1996)

Monday Night Football Series:
The Quarterback Exchange (1997)
Running Back Conversion (1997)
Super Bowl Switch (1997)
Heavy Artillery (1997)
Ultimate Scoring Machine (1998)
NFL Rules! Bloopers, Pranks, Upsets, and Touchdowns (1998)

Masterminds Series:
Masterminds (2015)

Slapshots Series:
The Stars From Mars (1999)
All-Mars All-Stars/The Dream Team (1999)
The Face-off Phony (2000)
Cup Crazy (2000)
Ouch I got slapped (2023)
4-in-1 Slapshots: The Complete Collection (2008)

Nose Pickers Series:
Nose Pickers from Outer Space! (1999)
Planet of the Nose Pickers (2000)
Your Mummy Is a Nose Picker (2000)
Invasion of the Nose Pickers (2001)
4-in-1 The Ultimate Nose-Picker Collection (2006)

Island Series:
Shipwreck (2001)
Survival (2001)
Escape (2001)
3-in-1 Island Trilogy Collection (2006)

Son of the Mob Series:
Son of the Mob 2: Hollywood Hustle (2004)

Everest Series:
The Contest (2002)
The Climb (2002)
The Summit (2002)
Everest Trilogy Box Set (2002)

Dive Series:
The Discovery (2003)
The Deep (2003)
The Danger (2003)

On the Run Series:
The Stowaway Solution (2005)
Public Enemies (2005)
Hunting the Hunter (2006)

Kidnapped Series:
The Search (2006)
The Rescue (2006)

Swindle Series:
Swindle (2008)
Zoobreak (2009)
Framed (2010)
Showoff (2012)
Hideout (2013)
Jackpot (2014)
Unleashed (2015)
Jingle (2016)

Titanic Series:
Unsinkable (2011)
Collision Course (2011)
S.O.S (2011)

The 39 Clues Series:
Vespers Rising (2011)
The Medusa Plot (2011)
Flashpoint (2014)

Hypnotists Series:
The Hypnotists (2013)
Memory Maze (2014)
The Dragonfly Effect (2015)

Ungifted Series:
Ungifted (2012)
Supergifted (2018)

Slacker Series:
Slacker (2016)
Level 13 (2019)

Non Series Books:
The Chicken Doesn't Skate (1996)
No More Dead Dogs (2000)
Maxx Comedy: The Funniest Kid in America (2003)
Jake, Reinvented (2003)
Born To Rock (2006)
Schooled (2007)
Pop (2009)
Restart (2017)
Notorious (2019)
War Stories (2020)
Game On (contains The Chicken Doesn’t Skate and The Toilet Paper Tigers (2021)
Unplugged (2021)
Linked (2021)
The Fort (2022)
Mixed Up (2023)
Slugfest (2024)
Faker (2024)
Old School (2025)
Snoop (2025)

Wednesday, 22 January 2025

The Book of Feasts and Seasons - John C. Wright

The Book of Feasts and Seasons
ISBN 9781925645262

The Book of Feasts and Seasons - John C. Wright

I have a few books by John C. Wright on my kindle, and several that look great. I had just not got around to reading anything by him, except 2 contributions to anthologies. He has come highly recommended by a number of authors I greatly appreciate: Finn, Paolinelli, LaPoint, …  And he has appeared as a characters in books by more than one author I know. It is my loss that I have not started reading them his works earlier. This collection was an amazing read. I could hardly put it down, and stayed up way, way too late to finish it. I just could not put it down.

The description of this volume is:

“The Book of Feasts & Seasons is a beautifully mind-bending stroll with a grandmaster of science fiction through the annual Catholic calendar. Over the course of the year, from January to December, the author takes his inspiration from 10 different holidays and explores their meanings in a series of stories of marvelous imagination. The book begins with New Year's Day and "The Meaning of Life as Told Me by an Inebriated Science Fiction Writer in New Jersey".

The Feast of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin is represented by "A Random World of Delta Capricorni Aa, Called Scheddi", while "The Parliament of Beasts and Birds" is the story for the Feast of Pentecost. The calendar and the anthology culminate on Christmas Eve with "Yes, Virginia, There is a Santa Claus".

John C. Wright is not only a deeply religious man, he is also a devout Catholic philosopher who regards reason as an intrinsic aspect of his faith. The Book of Feasts & Seasons is an imaginative embodiment of that faith, taking many different shapes and forms throughout the vast expanse of God's creation.

Grab it now!”

The stories in this collection are:

New Year's Day: The Meaning of Life as Told Me by an Inebriated Science Fiction Writer in New Jersey
Epiphany: Queen of the Tyrant Lizards
Annunciation: A Random World of Delta Capricorni Aa, called Scheddi
Good Friday: Sheathed Paw of the Lion
Easter Sunday: Pale Realms of Shade
Ascension: The Ideal Machine
Pentecost: The Parliament of Beasts and Birds
Halloween: Eve of All Saints' Day
Advent: Nativity
Christmas Eve: Yes, Virginia, There is a Santa Claus

These stories took me completely by surprise. From the first to the last there is not a weak story in the collection. And as I was reading three different times I said to myself, just one more story then to bed. But I did not hit the pillow until the collection was finished. 

The stories in this collection span a wide range of genres and styles. And it appears Wright is a master of them all. From the power of the Ideal Machine, to time travel, to an encounter with Nicholas of Myrna this collection has it all.

I normally love anthologies because they introduce me to new authors. Then there are anthologies like this where all the stories are from one contributor. In this case they introduce me to a number of genres John C. Wright writes in, and it makes it hard to choose what of his to read next. I believe there are just shy of 50 volumes available from Wright’s masterful pen, including a few marked as ‘forthcoming’. Even if I were to read one a week it would take me almost a year to get through his canon. 

The only hard decision I have is what to read next? This is an excellent collection of stories, I can easily recommend it!

Note: This book is part of a series of reviews: 2025 Catholic Reading Plan

Books by John C. Wright:
Short Story Collections:
Awake in the Night Land
City Beyond Time: Tales of the Fall of Metachronopolis
From Barsoom to Malacandra
All Men Dream of Earthwomen and Other Aeons

The Golden Age Series:
The Golden Age
The Phoenix Exultant
The Golden Transcendence
War Of The Dreaming Series:
Last Guardian of Everness
Mists of Everness
Chronicles Of Chaos Series:
Orphans of Chaos
Fugitives of Chaos
Titans of Chaos
Count To The Eschaton Series:
Count to a Trillion
The Hermetic Millennia
Judge of Ages

Starquest Series:
Space Pirates of Andromeda  
Secret Agents of the Galaxy  
Catburglar in the Constellations
The Architect of Aeons 
The Vindication of Man 
Count to Infinity 

Lost on the Last Continent Series:
Terrors of Pangaea  
Giants of Pangaea 
Gods of Pangaea 

The Unwithering Realm Series:

Superluminary Series:
The Lords of Creation 
The Space Vampires 
The World Armada 
Superluminary Omnibus Edition

Tales of Moth and Cobweb Series:
Green Knight Squire:
Swan Knight’s Son 
Feast Of The Elfs 
Swan Knight’s Sword
Green Knight Squire Omnibus
Dark Avenger’s Sidekick
Daughter of Danger 
City of Corpses 
Tithe to Tartarus
Mad Scientist’s Apprentice
Ghostly Father’s Novice

The Books of Everness Series:
Last Guardian of Everness 
Mists of Everness

Other Fiction:
Null-A Continuum
Awake in the Night Land – Short Story
One Bright Star to Guide Them – Short Story
Iron Chamber Of Memory 

Transhuman and Subhuman: Essays on Science Fiction and Awful Truth
The Lament of Prometheus
The Last Straw

Anthologies contributed to:
Best Short Novels 2004
Breach the Hull
Clockwork Phoenix
Clockwork Phoenix 3: New Tales of Beauty and Strangeness
Engineering Infinity
Forbidden Thoughts
MAGA 2020 and Beyond
Modern Greats of Science Fiction 2006
Planetary: Luna
Planetary: Mercury
So It Begins
Songs of the Dying Earth
The Best of Defending the Future
The Best of the Planetary Anthology Series
The Monster Hunter Files
The New Space Opera 2
The Space Opera Renaissance
The Year's Best Science Fiction Twenty-First Annual Collection 2004
The Year's Best Science Fiction: Twenty-Seventh Annual Collection 2010
Time Troopers
Tomorrow's Troopers
Year's Best SF 3 1998

Tuesday, 21 January 2025

Praying with the Friends of Jesus - Juliette Levivier and Anna Gravier - CTS Children’s Books

Praying at Mass
Juliette Levivier
Anna Gravier (Illustrations)
ISBN 9781860824449
ISBN 1860824447
CTS Booklet CH6

Praying with the Friends of Jesus - Juliette Levivier and Anna Gravier  - CTS Children’s Books

As of the reading of this book over the last few years I have read over 400 volumes from the Catholic Truth Society. I stumbled upon them while doing research on an author, and have been hooked ever since. This one is part of the CTS Children’s Book Series. It is the one of 7 by Levivier available from the CTS. Last year I started reading the CTS Children's and this year I will continue to track down more, to read and then donate to our kids Catholic Elementary school.

The description of this book is:
“Praying with the Friends of Jesus

A small book to help you come closer to Jesus, getting to know him through his meetings with Zacchaeus, the Samaritan Woman, the Leper, Peter, Thomas, John the Baptist and many others...

(From 5 years old)”

The sections in this book are:

Come and meet Jesus
Come and pray with the friends of Jesus
John the Baptist
The first disciples
Mary at Cana
The leper
The paralytic
The Samaritan woman
The crowds
Martha and Mary
The rich young man
Those who rejected Jesus
Simon of Cyrene
The good thief
Mary Magdalene
The disciple Jesus loved
Who do you say that I am?

A sample chapter is:

The leper

A leper met Jesus on the road and fell to his Knees in front of him. He begged Jesus to heal him because he trusted in him.

Feeling sorry for him, Jesus stretched out his hand and touched him. “Of course I want to heal you!” he said. And the leprosy left him at once and he was cured.
Mark 1:41-42

Leprosy is a terrible disease... It disfigures people who have it. Everyone believed it was very easy to catch it so they all ran away. But Jesus was not afraid. He touched the leper, and his touch, so full of compassion, cured him.

There are some people I treat like lepers, and who I think are not worth talking to. Is this how Jesus thinks of them? Of course not! So why don't I change my way of looking at them, and try to see them as Jesus does?

Lord Jesus, you did not shrink
away from the leper.
You went to him and you touched him.
You do the same to everyone.
Each one of us is beautiful in your eyes,
each one has a place in your heart.
No one is outside your love.

And another is: 

Simon of Cyrene

Jesus was arrested, condemned and beaten. Here he is carrying his cross up to the place where they will crucify him. He was so exhausted that the Roman soldiers pulled a man out of the crowd to help him carry his heavy cross.

They seized on a man, Simon from Cyrene, who was coming in from the country, and made him shoulder the cross, and carry it behind Jesus.
Luke 23:26

Simon didn’t choose to help Jesus, he was forced to. He had been working all day. He was tired and he wanted to rest. But he put all his heart and his compassion into it, and this was a great comfort to Jesus. He helped as much with his friendship as with the strength of his arms.

Sometimes when I have to do my homework, tidy up my things, or help around the house - all these things can seem too much for me. Just like Simon, I can choose to put all my heart and all my love into it.

You were not helping a criminal, Simon,
you were helping the Son of God !
When I love someone, I am loving Jesus.
When I help someone, I am helping Jesus.
Teach me to serve others with a smile,
to help those who are sad and to
recognise Jesus in all those who suffer.

This is the fifth of the seven volumes form the CTS by Levivier and Gravier that I have read. They are wonderful books for home, school, or church libraries. The Illustrations are bright and fun. Some full pages illustrations other small drawings around the edge of the pages. The text is clear and wonderfully written. Kids will understand it easily. And parents and even grandparents will love the simple faith and wonderful prayers on ever facing page. It is an excellent volume explaining what happens at mass and our role in being present and engaged.

An excellent volume. It was great to read it and then pass it along to our kid’s former Catholic Grade School. The Librarian has loved many of the CTS books we have donated over the years. This is another excellent volume from the Catholic Truth Society. I am very thankful I picked it. A great resource I can easily recommend for church, home, school. 

Praying with the Friends of Jesus - Juliette Levivier and Anna Gravier  - CTS Children’s Books Sample 1

Praying with the Friends of Jesus - Juliette Levivier and Anna Gravier  - CTS Children’s Books Sample 2

Praying with the Friends of Jesus - Juliette Levivier and Anna Gravier  - CTS Children’s Books Sample 3

Praying with the Friends of Jesus - Juliette Levivier and Anna Gravier  - CTS Children’s Books Sample 4

Note: This book is part of a series of reviews: 2025 Catholic Reading Plan! For other reviews of books from the Catholic Truth Society click here.

Books by Juliette Levivier:
Francis: the Poor Man of Assisi
Prayers Around the Crib
Praying with the Holy Spirit

Monday, 20 January 2025

Burning Empire - Arthur Slade - Dragon Assassin Book 3

Burning Empire
Dragon Assassin Novels Book 3
Arthur Slade
Dava Enterprises
ISBN 9781989252215

Burning Empire - Arthur Slade - Dragon Assassin Book 3

I read the three novellas contained in this novel a while ago. I loved the whole Dragon Assassin World. I decided to reread the whole series in these new editions. But I am getting ahead of myself a bit. When I first read these stories back in 2018-2022 and Art had planned to release a shorter story each month for a year, however that did not quite happen. There was however 12 novellas released in this format. Later he rereleased them in Omnibus edition, and then recently I discovered there were only available as novels. The original novellas were: 

     Twin Fury
     Dark Wings
     Elder Magic
     Royal Blood
     Old Enemies

The Novel (omnibus editions break down like this:

Twin Fury
     Twin Fury
     Dark Wings
Royal Blood
     Elder Magic
     Royal Blood
Burning Empire
     Old Enemies

Still later in their evolution Scholastic Canada released some of them in Canada in print format. But back to the volume at hand. The description of this book states:

The Emperor Sargon is at war. Can a dragon and an assassin stand in his way? Only with the help of a few friends.

Carmen and Brax are searching for the Nameless one, a wizard who can bring people back from the dead. But he is not at all who or what they were expecting and he has goals and plans of his own. Time is short because the emperor is at the gates of Avenus. The final battle will be epic.

Twin Fury - Arthur Slade - Dragon Assassin Book 1This special omnibus edition contains the following episodes:
7. Hidden Powers - He has no name. And he'll bring people back from the dead. But what is this wizard's plan?
8. Burning Empire - The war for empire rages. Will all of Ellos be burned to ashes?

It’s a non-stop young adult adventure from best-selling author Arthur Slade. Perfect for fans of Dragon Riders of Pern, Dragon School, Eragon and The Brindle Dragon series.

This instalment again is very different than the others to date. It is another excellent piece of writing. In this volume Carmen, Brax, Thord, and Megan have been flying for days. They are on a quest from Brax’s dead master Vecterix.  They are flying to the lands in the east, and looking for a man with no mane. And boy ok boy are they in for a surprise. And what a sight they must make. Carmen, riding Brax the dragon, And Thord and Megan on their black swans.

The story is truly epic in a classic fantasy style. When Carmen goes out alone with Nameless, I was doubtful of the outcome. And when … Well to find out you will need to read the book. And it should be noted this was the finale of the original Dragon Assassin series!

The story reminds me of Zelanzy’s Amber books and also a bit like The Last Namsara by Kristen Ciccarelli fans of both will appreciate this new story. This is an excellent fantasy story, by a wonderful writer. Fans of fantasy will really appreciate the craft in the telling of this tale. It is an excellent book and I recommend you pick it up and give it a read! I have already read these stories a few times. A great read in a wonderful series.

Books by Arthur Slade:
The Dragonfly's Journey (1996)

John Diefenbaker: an Appointment with Destiny (2000)
Dust (2001)
Tribes (2002)
Monsterology (2005)
Villainology (2005)
Megiddo's Shadow (2006)
Jolted (2008)
Shades: 17 Startling Stories (2011)

Flickers (2016)
Crimson (2018)
Death by Airship (2019)
Mr. Universe (2021)

Hunchback Assignments Series:
aka Modo Mission Clockwork Series:
The Hunchback Assignments (2009)
The Dark Deeps (2010)
Empire of Ruins (2011)
Island of Doom (2012)

Modo Embers End - Graphic Novel (2014)

The Northern Frights Series
Draugr (1997)
The Haunting of Drang Island (1998)
The Loki Wolf (2000)

Northern Frights Reprint Editions:
Draugr (2020)
Drang (2020)
Loki Wolf (2020)

The Canadian Chills Series
Return of the Grudstone Ghosts (2002)
Ghost Hotel (2004)
Invasion of the IQ Snatchers (2007)
Twin Fury - Arthur Slade - Dragon Assassin Book 1

Royal Blood - Arthur Slade - Dragon Assassin Book 2

Burning Empire - Arthur Slade - Dragon Assassin Book 3

Downfall - Arthur Slade - Dragon Assassin Book 4

Deathwings - Arthur Slade - Dragon Assassin Book 5

Sunday, 19 January 2025

The Gospel of Mark ESV - Fr Javier Ruiz-Ortiz - CTS Scriptures

The Gospel of Mark
English Standard Version
Fr Javier Ruiz-Ortiz (Introduction)
ISBN 9781784698096
CTS Booklet SC131
Larger Print Edition
ISBN 9781784698133
CTS Booklet SC135

The Gospel of Mark ESV - Fr Javier Ruiz-Ortiz - CTS Scriptures

This was the second of the standalone gospels I have read from the new English Standard Version translation; which was introduced as the new lectionary edition at the beginning of Advent 2024 in England, Scotland and Wales. I have read a few volumes about the new lectionary and eagerly awaited these new Gospel booklets. I have decided to read a chapter of the gospels a day for the year, and will alternate the ESV editions just released and the older Jerusalem Bible editions I have read a few times over the years. By reading 1 chapter a day you will complete the 4 gospels 4 times and have time to start again.

I love the books and booklets from the Catholic Truth Society. Over the last 7 years I have read over 400 books and booklets from the CTS. And have many on my ‘to be read’ list. The description of this volume is:

“Traditionally considered to be the first of the four Gospels to be written, and often associated with the teachings of the Apostle Peter, St Mark’s Gospel used concise language to proclaim the Good News to an ancient community of gentile Christians. Despite its brevity, the vibrant prose of this Gospel still speaks to the hearts of Christians today. 

This special edition of the Gospel of Mark, with an introduction by Fr Javier Ruiz-Ortiz, is published to mark the introduction of the ESV-CE translation in the new Catholic lectionary for England, Scotland and Wales. This book allows the reader to read and contemplate the words of the Gospel precisely as it is proclaimed at Mass in Year B of the lectionary cycle.”

This volume and the gospel of Matthew has an introduction by Fr. Javier Ruiz-Ortiz, about him we are informed:

“Fr Javier Ruiz-Ortiz is a priest for the diocese of Westminster. He earned a Licentiate in Sacred Scripture at the Pontifical Biblical Institute and a Doctorate in Sacred Theology at the Gregorian University, Rome. Fr Javier has served different parishes in London: Hillingdon, Kensington, Fulham and Bow. He is a lecturer in Sacred Scripture at Allen Hall, and the Dean of Mater Ecclesiae Coilege.”

I highlighted a few passages some of them are:

“The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God" (1:1)
The second book of the New Testament begins with these words, which should be the lens through which the whole work is to be read. The story of Jesus is given to us in four different outlines (according to Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) under the common name of gospel.”

“Gospel, then refers to the preaching of the good news or kerygma, namely, the proclamation of the saving events in the life of Christ (the passion, death, resurrection and ascension into heaven of Christ) which changed the lives of people and communities. This proclamation was done as part of the missionary outburst of the church, an announcement which subsequently modelled the Christian community.”

“This document is not a biography in the narrow sense but, while the orderly account of true events takes a prominent part of the composition, a true theology is also developed.”

“Mark was recognised as the author of this gospel from ancient times, even though there is no attribution to him in the text. He is identified with one of Paul's companions (Acts 13:13; 15:37-39; Col 4:10-11; 2 Tim 4:9-11) who at some point would have followed Peter and settled with him in Rome where he wrote the gospel.”

“It seems to be addressed to pagans as there are not many references to Scripture, the Hebrew and Aramaic terms are translated and Jewish customs are explained.”

“Scholars have identified the period of Caligula or Nero as the historical background to what is recounted by the gospel. Hence the composition would have taken place in the 60's or early 70's in Rome.”

“Mark organises his gospel in four parts: a prologue (1: 1 -13); a part dominated by the quest ion on the identity of Jesus (1:14-8:30); a part explaining what discipleship means (8:31 - 14:50) and a section dedicated to the Paschal Mystery (14:51 - 16:20). In all of them he shows who is "Jesus Christ, the Son of God''.”

“This silence imposed in the narration allows a dialogue between the reader and the text. The reader is invited to reflect on what has been expressed, both reflecting on the identity of Jesus and the way his follower is called to behave.”

“Jesus' journey has Jerusalem as its final destination. It is at the city that Jesus accomplished his Paschal Mystery (passion, death and resurrection).”

“As one begins to read the gospel of Mark, one should have at the back of one's mind the opening verse and wonder how any specific passage presents Jesus as the Christ, the Son of God.”

As part of Father Mark Goring’s Saint Mark’s School of Reading we are often assigned reading the gospel of Mark. I love the little booklet format from the CTS. Last years I left a different edition of it on my bedside table and read it most months. And I love this new English Standard Version booklet as well. Mark is short enough to easily be read in a single sitting. But rich enough to return to time and time again. 

Historically the Jerusalem Bible is my favourite for just sitting and reading. Maybe because it was the one I was given in school during first communion prep, or because it was the first I read from cover to cover. But I am giving this new translation a fair chance and plan to read these gospel booklets and the whole bible this year. This booklet and the others and the Larger Print counterpart are excellent resources. I recommend them to you.

My son who is 16 has and asked for a set of these little booklets, for his own. I also picked up a complete bible in the ESV-CE edition for my youngest two children and myself. It is an excellent resource from the Catholic Truth Society! It is great to pick up and read in a sitting or to pass on to a friend, or to keep on hand to be able to give away. I love these little booklets of the gospels from the CTS and look forward to reading the other two remaining volumes in the collection. I can easily recommend this booklet edition of the Gospel of Mark!

Note: This book is part of a series of reviews: 2025 Catholic Reading Plan! For other reviews of books from the Catholic Truth Society click here.

For all books in the CTS Scriptures Series click here.

Books in the CTS Scriptures Series:

CTS Resources for the New Lectionary:
Ministering the Word of God - Father Allen Morris - CTS Books
The Word is Very Near to You - Father Allen Morris

CTS Scriptures 2024 OSV Editions and New Lectionary Resources

CTS Scriptures Jerusalem Bible Booklets