Friday 15 May 2020

Way of Calvary Stations of the Cross with Pope Benedict XVI - CTS Devotions

Way of Calvary Stations of the Cross with Benedict XVI
CTS Devotions
Pope Benedict XVI
Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger
Catholic Truth Society
ISBN 9781860827822
ISBN 1860827829
CTS Booklet D749

This year I read two different versions of the Stations of the Cross by Pope Benedict XVI. This one and also Way of the Cross Meditations and Prayers, that one was written by Benedict. This one was written by the Sisters of the Cross (Hermanas de la Cruz). Over the last few years I have fallen in love with the books and booklets from the Catholic Truth Society. I have read over 150 in the last 3 years and have that many on my wish list. This specific book is out of print, and there is no digital edition currently available. It took me a while to track it down, but it was well worth it. I did not actually get my hands on it until the first week of Easter, but prayed this devotion the day it arrived. The description of this volume is:

“In these Stations of the Cross, Pope Benedict XVI reminds us that to reflect on Christ’s suffering on the way of Calvary is to reflect on his love for us and his ultimate victory over death. The Holy Father’s words are accompanied by beautiful images of the stunning Spanish statues used during the celebration of the Via Crucis during the last World Youth Day in Madrid."

That world youth day was in 2011, and this booklet was published in 2012. In the introduction we are told:

“May this lesson stimulate in us an interior desire for conversion and a generous surrender to love, as God loves and in the ways that he wants of us. ‘Have the courage to risk with a pure heart – Benedict XVI recommended. Commit yourself to God and then you will see that your life becomes greater and full of light because life is not boring, but full of infinite surprises as the infinite goodness of God is without end.”

We are encouraged:

“In this time of prayer, we will accompany Christ in his journey to Mount Calvary to be Crucified.

Let us awaken our love, following close behind him. Let us keep a profound silence in the external environment and inside our minds, so as not to let thoughts that are foreign to this pious contemplation interrupt us.”

Following the stations is a section called ‘The wisdom of the cross’. It is an excellent reflection. And a wonderful final prayer. This devotion is very different from the other from CTS by Benedict XVI that I have read. There are also a couple other versions available, but out of print. They are now in my list to track down.

Another excellent devotion from the Catholic Truth Society. It is great for use during lent, or throughout the year. Well worth tracking down.

Note: This book is part of a series of reviews: 2020 Catholic Reading Plan! For other reviews of books from the Catholic Truth Society click here.

Link to other Lent Resources
For other books in the CTS Devotions Series click here.

Books by Benedict XVI:
The Way of the Cross - Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger - Pope Benedict XVI
Finding Life's Purpose: Inspiration for Young People
Don't Be Afraid To Be Saints - with Pope John Paul II
Confession Advice and Encouragement from Pope Benedict XVI 

From the Depths of Our Hearts - Pope Benedict XVI and Robert Cardinal Sarah
Way of the Cross Meditations and Prayers
Way of Calvary: Stations of the Cross 
Spiritual Masters Fathers and Writers of the First Millennium 
Spiritual Masters Medieval Fathers and Writers
Jesus, the Apostles and the Early Church and Church Fathers 

Books About Pope Benedict:
Habemus Papam! Pope Benedict XVI - Regina Doman and Sean Lam
Benedict XVI - Helena Scott and Ethel Tolansky
A Pope of Surprises: The First Five Years of Pope Benedict XVI's Papacy - Helena Scott and Ethel Tolansky

Be Saints! An Invitation from Pope Benedict XVI - Amy Welborn and Ann Kissane Engelhart
Take Five: Meditations Pope Benedict XVI - Mike Aquilina and Fr. Kris Stubna
Friendship with Jesus: Pope Benedict XVI talks to Children on Their First Holy Communion – Amy Welborn and Ann Engelhart

Other Stations of the Cross from the Catholic Truth Society:

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