Wednesday 14 August 2019

Real Start Evolve - Team Body Project - Alex and Daniel Bartlett

Real Start Evolve
Team Body Project
Alex and Daniel Bartlett

At the time of publishing this article I have hit play every day for the last 53 days. I have completed the Real Start, Real Start Evolve, and am almost done Real Start Plus. I recently wrote a piece called Starting Over in Southwestern Ontario! A Fitness Update! What I started with was the workout videos from team Body Project, and specifically Real Start Just Move. You can watch that video on YouTube, or even workout with it. I have been a member of Team Body Project for three years now, but only just started the videos. I am in my 50th year, and I really needed to get back at it. 

Team Body Project is a website, an app and a community. The private community on Facebook and the forums on the website are very supportive and encouraging. But what really helped me is that the workouts in the Real Start program are geared for anyone. Each video has three participants. Daniel and Alex lead the videos and Natasha and Lisa. Natasha usually works out at a harder pace, and Lisa at a modified level. 

The three different Real Start Programs all build upon each other. And Real Start Evolve just launched in the Summer of 2019. I started it on the day it released with a large group from the community. Some started within a day or 2, and some spread it out over a longer time. But we all supported and encouraged each other through the forums and FB group. 

The original Real Start Program included Meal Plans, Shopping Lists, and other resources to support your success. Real start is rated at a difficulty of 1-2, and Real Start Evolve is rated 3-4. And I admit this program pushed me. And every day I worked out with one or more of my three children. My youngest often did the hardest version, and I often stuck with the moderate or easiest. But I hit play each of the day and completed all 12 workouts. 

Week 1:
Just Move Evolve 
Evolve Engage
Walking Cardio Evolve
Combo HIIT Evolve
Real Start Evolve PT 5
Evolve Stretch

Week 2:
Afterburn Evolve
Complete Evolve
28’s Evolve
Standing Pilates Evolve
Turbo HIIT Evolve
Evolve Finale

The workouts vary from just over 22 minutes to almost 36 minutes. But the great thing is most exercises we only do for 30, 45, or 60 seconds. And while you are working out it is so easy to say to yourself, “just finish this next 30 seconds”. And then another starts, and you say it again. After over 50 days I am still excited to hit play with Alex and Daniel. All you need is dumbbells, a mat, a towel and water.  

Real Start Evolve was much more intense than the original. But both are excellent programs. For those like myself getting back into it, or those starting out who have never really followed a plan or program for exercise before.

In the videos in this series we have Real Team Body project members Tarsh, Kylie, and Adam doing the workouts. Some doing a more intense version and some a less. You should check out Kylie Young’s story or the other testimonials on the site.

And you can try before you buy. If you create a free membership on the site you will have access to the first week of Real Start, Trainee Plan, Apprentice Plan and Graduate Plan. Plus many other videos you can test and try before you decide if you want to commit. 

I said before that TBP is one of the best resources for health and fitness that I have ever come across. And with the option to try and buy with no cost up front you have nothing to lose, but maybe some weight. So why not give TBP a try. And maybe I will see you in the forms. 

Another excellent workout plan from Team Body Project!

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