Praying at Mass
Juliette Levivier
Anna Gravier (Illustrations)
ISBN 9781860824449
ISBN 1860824447
CTS Booklet CH6
As of the reading of this book over the last few years I have read over 400 volumes from the Catholic Truth Society. I stumbled upon them while doing research on an author, and have been hooked ever since. This one is part of the CTS Children’s Book Series. It is the one of 7 by Levivier available from the CTS. Last year I started reading the CTS Children's and this year I will continue to track down more, to read and then donate to our kids Catholic Elementary school.
The description of this book is:
“Praying with the Friends of Jesus
A small book to help you come closer to Jesus, getting to know him through his meetings with Zacchaeus, the Samaritan Woman, the Leper, Peter, Thomas, John the Baptist and many others...
(From 5 years old)”
The sections in this book are:
Come and meet Jesus
Come and pray with the friends of Jesus
John the Baptist
The first disciples
Mary at Cana
The leper
The paralytic
The Samaritan woman
The crowds
Martha and Mary
The rich young man
Those who rejected Jesus
Simon of Cyrene
The good thief
Mary Magdalene
The disciple Jesus loved
Who do you say that I am?
A sample chapter is:
“The leper
A leper met Jesus on the road and fell to his Knees in front of him. He begged Jesus to heal him because he trusted in him.
Feeling sorry for him, Jesus stretched out his hand and touched him. “Of course I want to heal you!” he said. And the leprosy left him at once and he was cured.
Mark 1:41-42
Leprosy is a terrible disease... It disfigures people who have it. Everyone believed it was very easy to catch it so they all ran away. But Jesus was not afraid. He touched the leper, and his touch, so full of compassion, cured him.
There are some people I treat like lepers, and who I think are not worth talking to. Is this how Jesus thinks of them? Of course not! So why don't I change my way of looking at them, and try to see them as Jesus does?
Lord Jesus, you did not shrink
away from the leper.
You went to him and you touched him.
You do the same to everyone.
Each one of us is beautiful in your eyes,
each one has a place in your heart.
No one is outside your love.”
And another is:
“Simon of Cyrene
Jesus was arrested, condemned and beaten. Here he is carrying his cross up to the place where they will crucify him. He was so exhausted that the Roman soldiers pulled a man out of the crowd to help him carry his heavy cross.
They seized on a man, Simon from Cyrene, who was coming in from the country, and made him shoulder the cross, and carry it behind Jesus.
Luke 23:26
Simon didn’t choose to help Jesus, he was forced to. He had been working all day. He was tired and he wanted to rest. But he put all his heart and his compassion into it, and this was a great comfort to Jesus. He helped as much with his friendship as with the strength of his arms.
Sometimes when I have to do my homework, tidy up my things, or help around the house - all these things can seem too much for me. Just like Simon, I can choose to put all my heart and all my love into it.
You were not helping a criminal, Simon,
you were helping the Son of God !
When I love someone, I am loving Jesus.
When I help someone, I am helping Jesus.
Teach me to serve others with a smile,
to help those who are sad and to
recognise Jesus in all those who suffer.”
This is the fifth of the seven volumes form the CTS by Levivier and Gravier that I have read. They are wonderful books for home, school, or church libraries. The Illustrations are bright and fun. Some full pages illustrations other small drawings around the edge of the pages. The text is clear and wonderfully written. Kids will understand it easily. And parents and even grandparents will love the simple faith and wonderful prayers on ever facing page. It is an excellent volume explaining what happens at mass and our role in being present and engaged.
An excellent volume. It was great to read it and then pass it along to our kid’s former Catholic Grade School. The Librarian has loved many of the CTS books we have donated over the years. This is another excellent volume from the Catholic Truth Society. I am very thankful I picked it. A great resource I can easily recommend for church, home, school.
Note: This book is part of a series of reviews: 2025 Catholic Reading Plan! For other reviews of books from the Catholic Truth Society click here.
Books by Juliette Levivier:
Francis: the Poor Man of Assisi
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