Sunday 1 July 2018

Thirteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time 2018 Happy Canada Day

Thirteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time 2018
Happy Canada Day 

This week's Sunday mass falls on July 1st. And falls the week before July 4th American Independence Day . After the Saturday evening mass we sang O Canada. It has been a long time since I remember singing the National anthem in church, and the first time I recall doing so in a Catholic Church. (It happens more often in the Anglican tradition). My kids and I often attend the Saturday evening mass, and sometimes Sunday morning or Sunday evening. This summer we plan on visiting some other parishes in the region and even making a trip to the Cathedral in Hamilton.

The readings for this weekend's mass are:

First Reading Wisdom 1:13-15; 2:23-24 
Responsorial Psalm 30:1, 3, 4-5, 10-12 Response 1a
Second Reading 2 Corinthians 8: 7, 9, 13-15
Gospel Mark 5:21-43

I had been working on my reflection for this week's reading off and on all week. Typically I read the readings on Monday, Wednesday, and on Friday, and then write my reflection on Friday evening or Saturday during the day. But tonight while listening to the readings at mass, some completely different ideas came to the surface. 

Thinking about the gospel reading I see all of us in different roles at different times. Jairus had faith that Jesu could heal his daughter. He approached Jesus and begged him. He believed that if Jesus would just touch her she would be healed. While Jesus was on his way to the house of Jairus a woman was healed by touching the hem of his cloak. And Jesus noticed the power leaving him. She believed and her faith healed her. When approached and told that Jarius's daughter was dead Jesus told him just to believe. Jesus calls to the girl and she arises, and begins to eat.

Let's take a look at:
The woman with the hemorrhages
Jairus's daughter

But first let's return to the last line from the Second reading, Saint Paul States:

"The one who has much did not have too much,
and the one who had little did not have too little."

Paul was talking about balance, and generosity. And Paul speaks about a fair balance, between abundance, and need. There have been many times in life when we have been helped by others, my their time, their talents, and their treasures. And there have been times when we have been able to bless others.

Jairus believed and that faith stood the test of what would have caused others to turn away. He was told his daughter was dead, and yet he still hoped. He fell at Jesus feet and begged for healing. How many times have we asked Jesus for something and then given up. We need to be persistent and we need to have faith.

The woman knew that is she just touched Jesus she would be healed. Do I believe in that healing. Do I turn to Jesus in all my needs? Do I expect answers? 

And finally Jairus's daughter, do I listen to Jesus voice, when he calls do I respond. Do I follow no matter what he asks? 

This week I was asked by a few people about my reaction to the case about Cardinal McCarrick. Like many I think the questions around what others knew and when they knew will be of greater importance. I will pray for the clergy involved and the victims.  And I think of an Anglican priest here in Canada, he is defrocked now, and in jail. The accusations and some convictions go back decades to when he was in parishes and involved with the native community. But after that he had a role as a director of residence and chaplain at Renison College at the University of Waterloo. Maybe the thought was at a university the victims would be of the age of consent? So I do not have any real answers but typing back to the three people in the Gospel reading, I need to believe that Jesus is in control, like the money changes in the temple, I need to believe that Jesus will clean his Father house. Like the woman I need to believe that Jesus can heal, believe he can heal me, heal the victims, and heal his church. And like Jairus's daughter I need to follow and do as Jesus asks.

This week I will be praying for all victims of abuse by clergy, if they were under age, or of age of consent but pressured or forced into situations they did not desire. I pray for you my readers; that we will continue to believe, and to follow. And I ask prayers from you, for my continued healing, and for my discernment of a calling to the permanent diaconate. 

Hope - Believe - Follow

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